Cabin restoration project – Construction nears completion

For the past several weeks, the building contractor has been working hard to get the century-old brand-new cabin into shape and ready for occupancy. Since my last cabin update, all the windows have been installed and trimmed, the door has been installed, the floor insulation and flooring have been installed, the bathroom shell has been largely completed, the loft stairs have been built, some exterior insulation has been installed and covered and a lot of the front porch has been constructed. I imagine all the rest of the work by the contractor will be completed over the next week or two, and then it’ll be my turn to furnish the cabin, set up the kitchen and bathroom, paint the exterior etc.

Meanwhile, my friend Alex and I did some work of our own to the sauna, namely raising it up onto six concrete blocks left over from the cabin construction and digging out the area around and under the building for better ventilation underneath, to preserve the wooden beams the sauna is built on and to prevent mice from finding their way inside through the drain holes in the sauna (the beams/sauna used to rest directly on the ground).

I’ve spent just about every weekend for the last two months out at the future homestead site doing extremely uninteresting things like yard work (no yard work had been done there in 20 years, so you can imagine how much there is to do…), collecting all kinds of interesting garbage from around the property and throwing it onto the mountain of trash which has been accumulating and also fixing up the exterior of the old farm house to make it a little more presentable. After one or two more weekends of yard work, I think I’ll have the place the way I want it. Then I’ll start dismantling what’s left of the old storage building where the new cabin originally came from and sort through the wood to see what I can use for firewood and future building projects (chicken coop, greenhouse, firewood shelter etc.).

I’ll leave you with a picture of a stoat (mustela erminea) which seems to have made the old farm its home. Hope you enjoyed this update!

12 comments on “Cabin restoration project – Construction nears completion

  1. robrockies says:

    It looks amazing! The restoration looks very sympathetic to the building 🙂

    • Thanks Rob! The contractor is doing a great job giving the cabin a traditional look and feel, just as it would have been done long ago. I don’t usually go for modern designs, so the new cabin suits me perfectly!

  2. Duncan says:

    The cabin looks amazing. It’s been a while since I’ve seen any pictures, and I’m pleased to see it coming along so nicely!

  3. You’re going to have a very nice little retreat there!

  4. Looks nice, does the old frame justice!

  5. OakAshandThorn says:

    Wow, just look at that outdoor oasis! 😀
    Great progress being made, you’re quite the lucky man :). Yes, hard work, but even as of now you can see that the efforts will be worthwhile ;).

    • Both the cabin and the land are looking better each time I go out there. Last time I noticed that it’s all actually starting to look pretty nice. The hard work has totally been worth it. 🙂

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